
310 E Coolbaugh Street, Red Oak, Iowa 51566

Year Built:





Commercial Style


Modifications: In1920s, storefront remodeled. Before 1952, storefront modified again. Years later, at an unknown date, the main entrance and door to the second floor were replaced.

Height: Two story.

Walls: Brick, painted.

Storefront: Aluminum display windows, brick kneewalls, vinyl siding, transoms covered, cast iron lintel.

Windows: Wood 1/1 double hung windows, upper sashes covered with wood boards.

Stylistic features: Corbeled brick, glazed brick, stone sills and lintels at 2nd fl window openings, arched stone with “Rankin 1902” written on it.

Past Businesses

1886-1891 Restaurant, Photo on 2nd Floor
1896 Long & Fredrickson (Photographers) – 2nd Fl
1896 J.M. McLean Confectionery
1898 C.E. Long (Photography on 2nd Floor)
1899 Restaurant, Photography on 2nd Floor
1899-1901 James Umphrey (Photography on 2nd Floor)
1902 Shancks & Carson’s Grocery
1907 Askey (Photographer on 2nd Floor)
1908-1914 Groceries, Photography on 2nd Floor
1913-1917 The Waggoner Studio, C.A. Waggoner (Photography on 2nd Floor)
1914-1917 F.A. Smith & Brothers Groceries
1917 Earl J. Heilman (Groceries)
1917 T.N. Keeran (Farm Loans) – 2nd Fl
1920s – Reifel’s Clothing Store
1927 Store (1927 Sanborn)
1934 Max E. Brown (Dentist) – 2nd Fl
1934 Joes Snooke Parlor
1935 Rosell’s Café
1940 Joe’s Snooker Parlor (Joe G. Smith, owner)
1945 Corkey’s Tavern
1948 Store
1955-2013 William’s Recreation Parlor

Explore the historical fabric of downtown Red Oak

73 Historical Buildings, 1 Historical Site, and 8 Historical Objects.

The Red Oak Downtown Historic District has a story to tell. Each individual building itself might not have a depth of historical value, but the woven fabric threaded between each building by commerce, community, fire, and war decorates a story that must be shared.

Inside of a downtown business

Red Oak Branding Kit

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