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Burlington Northern Depot & WWII Museum

Burlington Northern Depot & WWII Museum

302 South 2nd Street, Red Oak, IA, USA

Year Built:







When completed in 1903, the depot was a model of modern convenience linking Red Oak to areas not easily traveled before. Rural communities were virtually inaccessible by any method of transportation until lifelines of railroads joined them to more metropolitan societies.

Explore the historical fabric of downtown Red Oak

73 Historical Buildings, 1 Historical Site, and 8 Historical Objects.

The Red Oak Downtown Historic District has a story to tell. Each individual building itself might not have a depth of historical value, but the woven fabric threaded between each building by commerce, community, fire, and war decorates a story that must be shared.

Inside of a downtown business

Red Oak Branding Kit

Align your marketing campaigns with the City of Red Oak's new branding; Red Oak - The Heart of Southwest Iowa.