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Original Post Office

416, 418 E Coolbaugh Street, Red Oak, Iowa 51566

Year Built:





Queen Anne


Modification: At recent unknown date, windows and some doors replaced on front facade. At an unknown date, transom windows covered.

Height: Two story.

Walls: Brick.

Storefront: Cast iron columns and lintel, wood display windows and doors, fiberglass doors, transoms covered.

Windows: Vinyl 1/1 and fixed windows with transoms.

Stylistic features: Crow-stepped parapet, metal cornice and belt course, metal bay windows, metal ornament, metal lintels above 2nd floor window openings, brick molding.

Past Businesses

1901-1908 Post Office
1915 Sundell Shoes
1917 L.F. Nelson Groceries
1918 Anderson & Sunberg Groceries
1918 The Walk-Over Shoe Store
1924 Anderson & Butler
1928 Butler’s Groceries
1934-1955 Bon Ton Dry Cleaning Co.

Explore the historical fabric of downtown Red Oak

73 Historical Buildings, 1 Historical Site, and 8 Historical Objects.

The Red Oak Downtown Historic District has a story to tell. Each individual building itself might not have a depth of historical value, but the woven fabric threaded between each building by commerce, community, fire, and war decorates a story that must be shared.

Inside of a downtown business

Red Oak Branding Kit

Align your marketing campaigns with the City of Red Oak's new branding; Red Oak - The Heart of Southwest Iowa.